Monday, 28 August 2017


"Family is not an important thing, it's everything" - Michael J.Fox
What is family?
Sure it can be easily defined by Merriam-Webster. A mere search on Bing can give us a definition or two, but it is more than "parents and children," more than "common ancestors."

Family is individuals who have special meaning. They are our foundation of support, personal cheer squad, teachers, counselors, and anything else we might need, even if we have to hear the hard truth. They comfort us and even put us in our place.

Family can be those we confide in and tell our secrets to. The best friends that absolutely know everything there is to know about us and yet are constantly learning something new. The ones that we listen to and the ones that listen to us.
Families that eat together, stay together. It's that simple. "Family dinners are essential," Boteach says. "It's a time to connect." Have a minimum of four family dinners per week, he suggests.

Happy families have inside jokes, Syracuse's Fiese says, "Jokes and nicknames symbolize that this is a group that you belong to and serves as a shorthand for larger experiences," she says.
Yes, it is true. Family is always there, no matter their arrival date. If it was since birth or just recently. They are surrounded by a cloud of love, comfort, support, and many more things.
A family is a group of people who want as well as well as choose to be together embraced by a bond so powerful and strong that not even the slightest test of trials or troubles can breach.
"Spend some time this weekend on home improvement, improve your attitude toward your family."- Bo Bennett