You maybe wondering whats the top best education in the world? We're really sure theres lots of perception that have been exposed either by media nor people all around the world related to this topic. After carried on some surveys, its prove that, the Republic of Finland is a country that provide the best education in the eye of the world.
Why Finland? Based on resources, Finland has a history of producing the highest global test scores in the Western world, as well as a trophy case full of other recent no. 1 global rankings, including most well-educated nation. So today, we're going to open the eyes of world to the reasons why Finland’s education system is still the best until now, 2017.
Firstly, the equality of the schools. In the Finnish culture, the concept of equality is one of the dominant reasons its school are on the top of the world. This kind of idea really goes well by making sure all kids have a good start in their life. What make it one of a kind is, they minimizing the differences among schools beyond making sure that all the schools in Finland are equally strong.
Every schools work aggressively on weaker students to catch up. This is totally different with other country, which is they built a huge gap between the best student and the weakest one.
Other than that, the public school. In Finland, everyone is invested in the effectiveness and quality of the nation’s public schools. The Finnish are all open-minded, which is if something that works so well at one school, it will be quickly shared with others either by media nor people, so that the best practices can reach every student. So, theres no competing for students or test scores among schools. Practically, there’s no way to truly opted out of the public school system in Finland, so everyone is equally invested in the quality of the schools.
Furthermore, the Finnish kids start school late. This one may seem the best yet unique reason that how can less school produce better educational results.
Finland proves, it is possible as children in Finland do not start school till age 7. This is because, even if the Finnish kids start school late, they start informally learning and preparing for school much earlier. However, before age 7, the kids are expose to experiential learning, through play and movement. Unless children show interest and willingness, they are not expected to learn to read in kindergarten. Its seems as not professional, but the Finnish culture an approach backed up with research showing a lack of long-term benefits for kids who are taught to read in kindergarten.
Last but not least, there is no exam in Finland. Despite the fact that Finnish children routinely achieve top scores on international math and reading tests.
Why? This is because testing isn’t part of the Finnish educational system. The only test for Finnish students is at the end of the senior year of high school. Yes, there may be optional tests, but the results aren’t made public and they are not emphasized by teachers, schools, parents or the media. The lack of emphasis on standardized tests means that Finnish teachers have a great deal of flexibility in how they structure their lessons.
Thats all for today, thank you!